A long weekend is just a weekend, but with an extra day

The Victoria Day fireworks have been going off each night since Saturday starting around this time (9PM). They really freak the dog out. I took Leia outside for a pee on Saturday night and it was the one time I’ve ever seen her run straight back into the house afterward – usually she wants to sniff and wander, no matter what the weather is like. Sean just took her out and she was so freaked out, she wouldn’t even pee – she just ran back towards the house. She’s been trying to find a place to hide ever since, but keeps changing her mind on where she wants to be.

We had a nice long weekend, but I don’t feel like I accomplished as much as I would have liked, especially in the garden. However, the weather was pretty crappy (mostly cold and rainy) so it wasn’t just an issue of laziness or procrastination. Sean picked up a lot of slack for me though – he edged most of the flower beds (and only quit because the edger broke); he also dug up the flower beds to get rid of all the weeds and grass that like to grow in them. This pregnancy thing does seem to have its perks! I still need to actually plant my flowers, but that will happen as it warms up this week.

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