That’s my bush!

Roses in front of my houseFor those of you reading this at work: this post isn’t as dirty as it sounds. But now that I’ve made you look…

I snapped this picture of the rosebush growing in my front yard on Wednesday morning (click picture to see a larger version).  I’m shocked at how healthy this plant is this year. Normally, it grows a few leaves and stems, pops a bloom or two and that’s it. This year it’s beautiful and I’m glad that my previous efforts to dig it up were unsuccessful.

You see, I haven’t had a very good relationship with this bush. It was here when we moved into our house, and my less-than-green thumb and its scraggly appearance made me think I should just dig it up. I’ve tried several times over the last few gardening seasons. I cut it back, start digging and discover the root is as this as my wrist so I say forget it and curse at it for pricking me whenever I get too close.

I have done nothing special to make this bush bloom. I haven’t even watered the flower garden – I’ve just let nature take its course. The warm weather and humidity must have made it happy. Although, now that it’s been raining for the last couple days it’s looking a little droopy and rough for wear.

But still, I’m thrilled that I finally got to see the bush bloom. I’ll probably be back to trying to yank it out of my garden next year.

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This work by Melissa Price-Mitchell is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 Canada.
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