Ten years ago, I wrote about 9/11 on this site in these entries:
- Initial reaction
- Processing feelings the next day
- Wondering about the same things Michael Moore was wondering about (link seems to be dead though)
- Questioning Clear Channel’s logic in eliminating certain songs on the radio
- Follow up on Clear Channel’s “List” (with my thoughts)
- Thoughts a year later
I remember being so scared, and so sad. I read about people’s experiences online. I worried about the erosion of civil liberties and privacy in the name of security.
When I went to New York City this spring, we visited Ground Zero and the church people used as a homebase. Seeing the display of badges from all over the world made me weepy. Knowing that people are willing to drop everything and help when someone (or a lot of someones) are in trouble is a comfort.
The phrase that keeps running through my head now comes from a post I read a couple of days ago at Ask Moxie.
Look for the helpers.
Whether it’s a national tragedy or a personal crisis, look for the helpers. They’re there and they will come. You just need to ask. Sometimes you don’t even have to do that.
More importantly, be the helper, in whatever way you can be.