A note from management: RSS feed address has changed

Do you read hellomelissa.net using a feedreader? I’ve recently changed the address of my RSS feed so you will need to resubscribe if you want to continue getting posts from me.

You can click on the RSS icon in my sidebar, or copy http://hellomelissa.net/feed/ into the subscribe field of your feed reader of choice.

You can still read this blog by coming directly to the site or by visiting links from either my personal Facebook feed (hi family and friends!) or the hellomelissa.net Facebook page. You can also subscribe to get an email every time this site updates using the subscribe option in the sidebar.

Isn’t it neat that there are so many ways to get great content from many sites automatically? I love the efficiency of the web.

Some backstory. Like many other bloggers, I previously used Feedburner to manage my RSS feed. Service has been shaky and rumors of its demise have been rampant. (See these posts by Schmutzie and Cecily for more context.) I’ve opted to stay with WordPress’ built-in RSS feed rather than move to a paid service for now. If I decide I want more data about my feed (everyone loves stats right?), I may move it again, but for now, this is where it’s staying.

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This work by Melissa Price-Mitchell is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 Canada.
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