16 Days Old

Flora is 16 days old today. Soon we’ll be counting her age in months instead of days and weeks. It seemed like September was going to take forever to come and now it’s almost gone. I can’t believe how much she has changed already. My mom came to visit last Sunday and she said that Flora had grown already and soon Grandma would hardly recognize her (she said this in baby talk to Flora, who just kept on sleeping).

We’re getting the hang of the breastfeeding thing. We went to the breastfeeding clinic last Monday and Flora is gaining weight and latching well according to the lactation consultant, so hooray for that. She doesn’t really have a sleep routine yet – some nights, she wants to stay up after feedings, other nights, she’ll go right back to sleep. She is starting to be a little more awake during the day, and it’s nice to see her eyes. I love watching her make faces at whatever she is looking at or thinking about. I’ve seen her smile, but they’re small smiles so they’re probably gas. I’d smile too after passing some of the eruptions that I’ve heard come out of her!

And on that note, here are some pictures from the last few days:

Flora hamming it up for the camera
Flora with a Secret?
Laid out like a week's wash
Mummy and Flora
First time in the Wrap
Flora and Daddy
Flora and Daddy

Birth Announcement

This was the letter we emailed out yesterday to friends and family to announce Flora’s birth:

Hello everyone,

We’ve finally looked up from the baby long enough to send this note. 🙂

Flora Faye Mitchell was born on Thursday, September 4th, 2008 at 7:17am. She was six days early. (melissa is relieved that Flora held on until past her birthday and into September) We were induced due to a irregular heartbeat that started on August 29th. The heartbeat evened out and she was declared healthy once she was born.

The induction started at 8:30pm on Tuesday, September 2nd. Labour didn’t really kick in until about 3pm Wednesday. It was a long time, but the experience was a good one overall. We have a great team of doctors, nurses and other staff at Toronto East General Hospital to thank for that.

Sean and Grandma Faye (my mum) were with me during the birth. Grandma Janet (Sean’s mum) and my sister were patiently waiting for news in the waiting room. No one passed out and I didn’t curse during labour once. (!!!)

Pictures can be found here: http://flickr.com/photos/mpricemitchell/sets/72157607159140943/ I use Flickr to share all my pictures so you can check here regularly for updates.

My sister Kyla won the baby pool (and that was without any insider knowledge). Check and see how everyone did by visiting http://www.expectnet.com/logingame.php?game_name=SeanMelissaBaby

We came home Friday afternoon (September 5th). Our dog was very excited to see us and gave Flora a sniff and a quick lick. The cat has been laying low and I think he’s a little horrified by all the new noises.

We are happy, healing and getting used to being a family of three.

Thank you to everyone for all your extra love and support during this time in our lives. It has made the start of this journey much easier for Sean and I. Feel free to pass this message on to anyone I have missed.

Someone is starting to squeak and mutter in her sleep so I better go and check things out.

Love to all,
melissa and sean

Introducing Flora Faye Mitchell

Flora Faye Mitchell

Date of Birth: September 4th, 2008 at 7:17am
(Due Date: September 10th, 2008)

Weight/Height: 6 lbs, 8oz, 19.6875 inches

After a long induction, labour and birth, we are happy, healthy and home. Healing is going well, and we are all getting used to each other.
30 minutes old!
Daddy and Flora
Mummy and Flora

More pictures can be found on my Flickr stream: http://flickr.com/photos/mpricemitchell/sets/72157607159140943/

If I am smart, I will write more about the birthing experience later. xoxo

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 Canada
This work by Melissa Price-Mitchell is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 Canada.
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