This morning all four of my wisdom teeth were pulled. I’m doing much better than I thought I would. The anesthetic didn’t make me nauseous (they explained that it was different than a general anesthetic by the kinds of drugs that are in it). That was my biggest fear, since I am such a puke-phobic. I was in surgery for about 45 minutes (I asked, since time stopped while I was under sedation and all), and all four teeth came out whole. Naturally, when I was asked if I wanted to keep them I said yes, so pictures will be forthcoming soon.
I’m not in a lot of pain right now, but I’ve also taken two extra strength Tylenols as 1 Percoset that I’ve taken in halves separately. My freezing hasn’t completely come off yet, but I’m a lot less frozen than I was so I can feel my teeth, but they only really hurt when I smile. The most annoying thing is that I’m dribbling like crazy when I drink (juice thankyouverymuch) and that my mouth constantly felt full of blood and saliva, and I kept putting Kleenex and my cloth to get all that out, since rinsing is still a no-no. Tomorrow will probably not be so pleasant cuz the freezing ahould be worn off by then and I’ll probably start swelling anytime now. At least I can talk without sounding like a total goofball..
So now it’s soft, mushy food for the next few days – how boring. At least Sean got me ice cream, which we never have in the house. I’m trying not to throw the whole Weight Watchers thing out the window though so I’m trying to come up with weight friendly alternatives to go with the ice cream that don’t totally suck and don’t crunch. I’m feeling a little like Homer Simpson in the episode where Selma takes Bart and Lisa to Duff Gardens cuz Homer is suffering from evil-hoagie love and its repercussions:
Lisa (on her way to Duff Gardens): Bye, Dad, don’t eat any solids.
Homer (standing pathetically watching the kids and Selma leave): But I love solids.
I’ll probably be complaining by tomorrow so I’m going to ride this part out as best I can. At least all four came out so I don’t have to do it again. Oh, and the anesthetic and laughing gas was fun for the five minutes I was awake to enjoy it. “No I don’t feel anything. Oh waitaminute, now I do (insert feeling of tripping out until one of the people working on me said “she’s fighting it” and then I realized I should just close my eyes already).