No annoying ringtones yet

I upgraded my cell phone earlier this week. I moved from an Audiovox 8615 to a Samsung m510. I’ve spent the last few days customizing the phone to my specifications (adding contacts, setting up rings/wallpapers, all that good stuff). I have unlimited web surfing on this, so I have downloaded the mobile version of Google Maps, which is useful, even if there are a lot of “allow this site to do its thing?” messages. I did end up helping Sean with directions when he was in Ottawa and I was sitting on the couch here in Toronto, so the program definitely works – I didn’t even have to get off the couch to go and turn on the computer! I imagine this will settle the arguments Sean and I have about how to get somewhere when we’re in the car.

The phone also has a camera and video capabilities. I’ve only done a quick test of the video to see if it works. I filmed the dog lying around on the bed, and you hear me talking to her. I can’t decide if I am a bad director, or if she is a bad movie star. Here is the link: Leia is a movie star

Oh, and the phone reception seems to be good, but I really haven’t made or taken a lot of phone calls yet. I actually use my cell phone more for text messaging and the mobile web than for actual calls. I’m not sure how much the phone’s camera will substitute my regular camera (since both are in my purse most of the time), but it’s nice to have the option for easy and instant transfer.

Oh, and if anyone is interested in signing up with Virgin Mobile Canada, drop me an email or a message here on Vox and I will send you a link you can use when you are activating your phone to get $10 in credit added to your phone. It adds $10 to my phone too, so it helps both of us.

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This work by Melissa Price-Mitchell is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 Canada.
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