Procrastinating for no good reason

I need to get my hair cut. I should have done it this week (or even late last week), but I haven’t even made the appointment yet. I’m not sure why I’m putting it off. I love my hairdresser, and I’m not having any issues with him. I have the money to pay for it – I’ve been taking money out of each paycheque since my last cut ‘n’ colour to ensure that I paid for it in cash. I’m pretty sure of how I want my hair cut (and besides, I tend to let my hairdresser talk me into new styles, cuz he knows more than I do!)  I’ve just been putting off making the phone call to get booked in.

The only thing that I think could be a reason is that last time I went in, I was told that my appointment was actually scheduled for earlier in the day and I had missed it. I was quite surprised because I always write the appointment down when I am on the phone, and I usually end up writing it down in 2 or 3 different places. I apologized for my mistake and said I would reschedule, but Joe very kindly gave up his lunch hour to fit me in right then. I really appreciated that, as he certainly didn’t have to do that. Maybe I’m still feeling weird about putting him out. Which is silly because he offered – I didn’t ask for that special treatment, but I was very thankful when it was offered.

I’ll probably make the appointment on Monday since I usually do it from work. I figure if I follow my usual routine, there is less chance of me writing things down incorrectly. This makes me feel a little anal-retentive, but it also gets things done smoothly.

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