Of course, this was the day Sean went to Belleville to go see the Bulls (OHL hockey) play with a friend he hasn’t seen in three years. He’s playing his return travel plans by ear. I don’t want him driving the 401 in shitty weather, but if it gets really bad, that means I may not see him till Monday. It’s only a 2.5 hour trip, but no need for that stress if he’s got places to stay down there (he can stay either at his mom’s place or with our friends Jason and Amanda). The game just started so I won’t be hearing from him for awhile, so no need to worry yet.
I’m hoping to stay inside for the rest of the night minus any pee breaks for the dog. We’ve been outside together a few times today and Leia is loving the snow. I wish our yard was completely fenced in – then I could let her out to rip for a bit and she’d get her fix. Right now, she’s getting small doses of snowy fun with every trip outside to pee. Since we’re so close to the road and our sidewalk gets a lot of traffic, I can’t let her off her leash for more than a couple of minutes when no one is around. She’s having fun though.