Lazy Sunday

Why is it that when I manage to do the following:

  • sort and wash my laundry
  • start Sean’s laundry
  • change the sheets and put the heavy duvet on my bed (stuffing a duvet into the cover is hard, dude)
  • wash my delicates
  • take the kid for her first real haircut (separate post about that coming) and pick up some socks and a toothbrush for her while at the store. Survive the store without using a cart or a stroller and we walked around and waiting in a slow-moving line
  • talk to my mom and sister on Skype (one conversation each) to show off said haircut
  • prepare three meals for said kid, and one for my husband (to be fair, Sean made the hard part of Flora’s supper for his lunch – he made chicken wings – but I still did all the warming/cutting as well as preparing the side dishes for supper)
  • wash dishes (once already, and a second time after I finish my own dinner)
  • run the dishwasher (I may or may not empty it)

it still feels like I haven’t accomplished anything today?

What is the killer chore that takes your day from unaccomplished layabout to kickass homemaker in one easy step? I’d do that chore if it meant I felt like I did something with my day.

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