#reverb10 – Day 13: Action

December 13 Prompt

Author: Scott Belsky
Making Ideas Happen

Prompt: Action. When it comes to aspirations, it’s not about ideas. It’s about making ideas happen. What’s your next step?


The next step depends on the idea I’m trying to make happen.

Sometimes I write a list of things I need to do to put my idea into reality. I follow the advice many productivity gurus give and separate each large task into smaller, easily completed task. It feels good to check the tasks off that way, whether I’m using pen and paper or Remember the Milk, my favourite web-based to-do list app.

I’ve also written the occasional blog post detailing my to-do list for that timeframe. Not big-goal to-dos, but the little things that add up and need to get done, like cleaning the bathroom. Posting those to-do lists online tends to shame me into doing them. Using the <strike> tag also feels good to cross items off these lists.

Sometimes crossing the first item off the list makes the rest of the list a little easier to complete.

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