
I’ve done a few things since I wrote my post on the winter blues that have really improved my mood.

I bought an energy light and have been using it for a couple of weeks. I’ve noticed that I’m sleeping better and my overall mood is better than it was earlier in the winter. I’ve been using it at work during the first half an hour of the day. It’s been such an unobtrusive, easy thing to use and while the results are subtle, they are noticeable.

I’ve also maintained my commitment to getting dressed on the weekend. My weekend clothes aren’t much fancier than pajamas, but they aren’t pajamas and the ritual of getting dressed in clothes I can go outside in takes away the sad, sloth-like feelings I end up with on Sunday nights after a day – or weekend – without getting dressed or accomplishing anything.

Speaking of accomplishing, I’m also trying to accomplish something every day that is outside of the routine stuff I have to do. It’s usually something small, but whether it’s a chore I’ve been putting off, or something I struggle to find the time to do, I’m making the effort.

Because I am worth the effort. Realizing that has been a big mood lifter too.

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